Oakland Trails is sponsored by the
Oakland Parks & Recreation Foundation
501c3 Tax ID # 94-2751052
2016 Executive Summary
Our mission is to promote, maintain, and enhance Oakland’s wildland parks and trails.
We are proud to share the details of our accomplishments in 2016 with the community, including our supporters, collaborating organizations, and City of Oakland agencies. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.
With our newly released documentary, TRAILHEAD, Oakland Trails hit the ground running in January of 2016. For most of the year, we had weekly presentations at local theaters, schools, senior centers, and community halls. With the brisk fundraising that came with the screening events, we invested in trail projects. Hand saws, trail building tools, and redwood lumber were purchased for projects including the installation of trail steps, a new foot bridge, and year-round trail maintenance. With the launch of Oakland Volunteer Park Patrol, we were able to outfit our 35 volunteers with uniforms and other supplies. We also led 18 free hiking tours, providing outdoor recreation education for youth, adults, and seniors.
Budget Summary
Starting Balance: $5,156.68
Income: $18,704.96
Expenses: $14,607.80
Available funds: $9,253.84
Details of Income
Donations received from 59 individuals, businesses, and nonprofit organizations: $12,196
Retail sales of Oakland Trails merchandise at 40 events (screenings, hiking tours, art festivals, etc.): $6,508
Log of Volunteer Hours in 2016
Trail Work: 241 hrs
Promotions (screenings, hiking tours, other outreach events): 306 hrs
Oakland Volunteer Park Patrol: 1,436 hrs
Admin: 100 hrs
Total Volunteer Hours: 2,083
Users: 11,598
Sessions: 16,365
Page views: 25,891
Social Media
Follow us on Instagram: @oaklandparkpatrol
We launched our account in November, 2016.
Posts: 131
Followers: 51
Screenings of TRAILHEAD
01/13/2016: St. Paul’s Towers
01/21/2016: Sequoia Diner
01/24/2016: Sunday Assembly at Oakland Peace Center
01/25/2016: Chabot Space & Science Center (PPNA Annual Meeting)
01/27/2016: Urbano Cellars Winery
02/01/2016: New Parkway Theater
02/10/2016: Grand Lake Theater
02/11/2016: Grand Lake Gardens
02/25/2016: Octopus Literary Salon
02/26/2016: Oakland Museum of California
03/15/2016: EBRPD Volunteer Trail Safety Patrol
03/20/2016: Albany Filmfest
03/25/2016: City Commons Club
03/31/2016: deFremery Recreation Center (OPR Foundation Annual Meeting)
04/04/2016: Berkeley High School
04/17/2016: San Francisco Green Film Festival
04/18/2016: Released on-line (OaklandTrails.org/watch)
04/23/2016: Ale Industries Taproom
05/03/2016: Glenview Neighborhood Association
05/11/2016: Oakland Main Library
05/21/2016: Nature Friends Tourist Club
05/24/2016: Friends of San Leandro Creek
06/16/2016: REI Berkeley
06/22/2016: Dimond Recreation Center
06/27/2016: KTOP-TV10
07/07/2016: KTOP-TV10
07/22/2016: San Francisco Frozen Film Festival
08/02/2016: Sustainable Lafayette “Open Space” Film Series
08/21/2016: Lindsay Wildlife Experience “Nature Speak” Series
09/09/2016: Oakland’s Short, Short Film Festival
09/12/2016: California Independent Film Festival
09/16/2016: New Parkway Theater
09/17/2016: New Parkway Theater
09/22/2016: REI Berkeley
10/20/2016: Epworth UMC, Older Adult Ministries
10/25/2016: Dorothy C. Wong Senior Center
On-line plays: 1,526
Hiking Tours
We led 18 free hiking tours:
01/01/2016: Dimond Park to Chabot Space & Science Center
02/15/2016: Dimond Park to Chabot Space & Science Center
02/15/2016: Dimond Canyon Park
02/21/2016: Dimond Park to Chabot Space & Science Center (private tour for Girl Scout leaders)
04/25/2016: Joaquin Miller Park (private tour for SF 3rd graders)
05/21/2016: Dimond Park to Joaquin Miller Park (private tour for Nature Friends Tourist Club)
05/30/2016: Dimond Park to Chabot Space & Science Center
07/04/2016: Dimond Park to Chabot Space & Science Center
07/17/2016: Joaquin Miller Park (private tour for Redwood Heights Neighborhood Assoc.)
07/25/2016: Joaquin Miller Park Redwoods Tour (3X)
09/05/2016: Dimond Park to Chabot Space & Science Center and back to Dimond
09/11/2016: Joaquin Miller Park Redwoods (private tour for “Jack & Jill of America”)
09/12/2016: Joaquin Miller Park and Redwood Park
10/10/2016: Dimond Park to Joaquin Miller Park and back
11/24/2016: Dimond Park to Chabot Space & Science Center
12/25/2016: Dimond Park to Chabot Space & Science Center
Miles: 92
Attendance: 370
Oakland Volunteer Park Patrol
Co-founded with Vice Mayor Annie Campbell Washington, we launched Park Patrol in June. We held 7 training sessions, bringing the total number of volunteers to 35. Our diverse group of men and women includes hikers, runners, mountain bikers, and dog walkers.
Total hours: 1,436
Number of park users assisted: 1,388
Trail Improvement Projects
Our stewardship programs are active in Dimond Canyon and Joaquin Miller Park:
- Cleared 86 fallen trees
- Installed 30 redwood steps on hiking trails
- Replaced the bridge over Palo Seco Creek on lower Palos Colorados Trail
- Improved drainage on Palos Colorados, Sunset, Sunset Loop, Big Trees, Sinawik, Sinawik Loop, Sequoia-Bayview, Wild Rose, Old Cañon, and Bridgeview trails
- Cleared a landslide on Cinderella Trail
- Maintained the drains under the Bridgeview Trail cement footbridge
- Cleaned graffiti from Big Trees, Dimond Canyon, Old Cañon, Sequoia-Bayview, Sinawik, Sunset, and Wild Rose trails
- Repaired 15 trail markers, and installed 6 new trail markers in Joaquin Miller Park
TRAILHEAD collaborated with the following City of Oakland agencies and nonprofit organizations:
- Bicycle Trails Council of the East Bay
- Dimond Business & Professional Association
- Dimond Improvement Association
- East Bay Regional Park District
- Friends of Joaquin Miller Park
- Friends of Sausal Creek
- Girl Scouts of America
- Glenview Neighborhood Association
- League of Women Voters of Oakland
- Montclair Village Association
- Oakland Fire Department
- Oakland Parks & Recreation Foundation
- Oakland Police Department
- Oakland Public Works Agency
- Oakland Parks & Recreation Department
- Oakland Vice Mayor Annie Campbell Washington
- Oaklandish
- Oakmore Neighborhood Association
Here, we’re collaborating with BTCEB on fallen tree removal.
In the News
“Oakland Trails: Dimond to Chabot”, Our Oakland Blog
“Ambassadors help park users navigate trails”, East Bay Times
“Montclair: ‘Short, Short’ film festival slated”, East Bay Times
“Walking in Oakland – #8”, The Urbanist
“Raising Awareness in Oakland’s Dimond Canyon”, Oakland Mama Blog
Community Education
We hosted two educational events:
- Project Coyote – providing information about how to cohabitate with coyotes and other wildlife
- East Bay Regional Park District Ward 2 Candidate Forum
⋅ 12/21/2016
⋅ 11/22/2016
⋅ 10/18/2016
⋅ 10/03/2016
⋅ 09/16/2016
⋅ 08/18/2016
⋅ 07/21/2016
⋅ 06/21/2016
⋅ 05/20/2016
⋅ 04/18/2016
⋅ 04/01/2016
· 03/16/2016
· 02/16/2016
With gratitude,