Un agradecimiento especial a Noel Gallo, Miembro del Ayuntamiento de Oakland, Distrito 5, por patrocinar esta versión del TRAILHEAD.
Gracias también a José Dorado, Silvia San Miguel, y Sandy Juarez
por su ayuda con la traducción.
Lo que dice la gente sobre TRAILHEAD:
“Es espectacular.”
Chip Johnson, San Francisco Chronicle
“Un documental inspirador y muy bien filmado.”
Carolyn Jones, East Bay Regional Park District
“Esta película presenta nuestra ciudad de una forma totalmente nueva.”
Ken Lupoff, Oakland Parks & Recreation Foundation
“Nos dejó llenos de orgullo.”
Bryan Beyer, residente de Oakland
En la década de 1850, impulsada por la fiebre del oro de California, un antiguo bosque de secuoyas fue talado drásticamente para ayudar a construir San Francisco. Sin embargo, un viejo árbol quedó atrás.
Este documental de 20 minutos destaca “Old Survivor”, la única secuoya antigua que queda en las colinas de East Bay, y cuenta la historia del bosque de secuoyas resiliente, ecológicamente sorprendente y ahora protegido de Oakland.
Con la participación de Save the Redwoods League, el Distrito de Parques Regionales de East Bay y los parques de la ciudad de Oakland, la película promueve la recreación al aire libre y las redes de espacios abiertos, fomenta la administración, celebra la historia local y educa al espectador sobre la ecología de los bosques de secuoyas.
¡Gracias a nuestros patrocinadores de películas!
Y un agradecimiento especial a
y los siguientes generosos patrocinadores:
Glenview Neighborhood Association
The Design Office | Ron Rifkin
Bellanico | restaurant and wine bar
Piedmont Pines Neighborhood Assoc.
Howard Neal & Associates Attorneys
Dimond Tax Services | Paul Thode
Bicycle Trails Council of the East Bay
Council Member Noel Gallo & Family
Paws & Claws | A Natural Pet Food Store & Grooming Spa
All Eyes on Me | Aaron Thornton, OD
. . .
Karen Long, Cathy Barale & Eric Lindquist, Russell & Lisa Yee
Larry Riggs, Carrie Campbell, Hank Phillips,
Karen Marie Schroeder, Gary McCormick, Chuck & Laura Escover,
Eric, Kim, Noah & Cassie Baird, Carolyn Devol, Carl Kohnert,
Loretta Quan, Alan & Barbara Goldenberg,
John, Marty, Lauren, & Erin Dodson, Doug Wong,
Allyson Hance, Paula Kimbro, Kathleen Russell,
James Baack, Pete Barnett, Matthew & Carol Lonergan,
Marysue Fisher, Carol Heard, John Olson, Carol Hazenfield,
Jeff Wilbur, Alton Jelks Jr., Scott & Kimra McAfee, Reesa Tansey,
Steve & Marie Munson, Sandra Venning, Patricia Barale,
Heidi Williams, Richard Cowan & Kathleen Collins, Bob Werner,
Birute Skurdenis, Phil & Kathy Caskey, Greg Lassonde,
Stephen Foster, Trish Powell, Leslie Ann Jones, Marion Mills,
Tom Rose & Suzanne Knott, Colleen Johnson, Marcia Henry,
Mike Udkow, Margaret Langston, Helene Byrne,
Alisa Schulman & Scot Sowder, Jennifer Bellenger,
Francesca Kuglen, Gail Wallace, Kevin Smith, R. Jacobs, LMFT,
Sam Kaufman, Amy Lester, Laine Farley, Joni Anderson,
Laurie Umeh, Scott Yundt, Saara Robles, Curtis Doughty,
John Eckhouse, Robert Terra, Dick & Nancy Kolbert,
Gisela Merker & Marilyn Miller, Charlotte Hennessy, Erik Zapien,
Marleen Sacks, Gary Larson & Helen Bell, Jessica Kim,
Antosh Gazel & Barbara Hui, Zee Wong, Mike Sherwood & Kathy Keeran,
Jean Krieg, Mary Baron, Pamela Eguchi, Caren Roddy,
Ana Rauch, Jack Stephens & Julie Jones, Gen Katz,
Marjie Rhoades, Jack Krasner, Katherine Kott, Michael J. Clark,
BB Borowitz, Irene Kane, Tom Branca, David Fore,
Andrew Aldrich, Manuel Alonso, Janice Stamos,
Mark Rauzon, Robert Finkel, Sandra Downey, Decky Thornton,
Chris & Debra Harper
Equipo de produccion

Emily Fraser – Co-Director/Producer, Cinematography
Emily Fraser is a documentary filmmaker committed to finding the poetry in the every day while provoking cultural change around pressing social and environmental issues. Her work has been shown at Doc NYC, Big Sky Documentary Film Festival, the International Wildlife Film Festival, and LUNAFEST, among others. Emily works as a freelance director and cinematographer, and as a lecturer on film production, history, and theory at Santa Clara University. In a previous life, she worked as an environmental consultant, focusing on projects in conservation, resource management, and alternative energy. Emily holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental policy and art/architecture from the College of William and Mary and an MFA in Documentary Film and Video from Stanford University. Website

Henry Wiener – Co-Director/Producer, Cinematographer, Editor
Henry Wiener, born and raised in Jackson, MS, received his undergraduate degree from Columbia University, majoring in American Military History. After living and working in New York City for 5 years, Henry completed his MFA in Documentary Film at Stanford University in 2014. His films cover an eclectic group of subjects: Bay Area gun rights activists, a 21 year old female NASCAR driver, a Minor League baseball churro vendor, and a traveling Rabbi. All of these films tell stories of people who pursue life with special passion and energy, across a spectrum of American culture. Henry currently lives and works in Oakland, CA as an independent filmmaker. http://henrywiener.com
In 2017, Stan received the Parkland Steward Award from Oakland Public Works, and the Anne Woodell Community Award, Oakland’s highest honor for community service in parks. And in 2018, he was recognized with a San Francisco Bay Area Jefferson Award.
While still overseeing Oakland Trails from afar, Stan is currently living full-time at his home in Tuolumne County and is a full-time student at Columbia College in Sonora studying Forestry and GIS.

Stan Dodson – Executive Director, Oakland Trails
Stan Dodson, past manager of La Farine Bakery in Oakland (2003–2021), and founder of the nonprofit organization Oakland Trails, has worked to promote, maintain, and enhance the trail system that connects Dimond Park to the Bay Area Ridge Trail since 2008. Stan has provided leadership for community involvement up and down the hill, including producing the documentaries Trailhead (2015) and Old Survivor (2018), co-founding and managing Oakland Volunteer Park Patrol, offering free hiking tours, and leading trail maintenance and enhancement projects in Oakland’s wildland parks. Through these efforts, Stan strives to inspire outdoor recreation and park stewardship while shining a bright light on the City of Oakland.
Stan is a graduate of the Oakland Citizens Police Academy, has received three Local Hero awards from City of Oakland Councilmembers, and in 2014, La Farine was honored with a “Small Business of the Year” award from Oakland’s Mayor and City Council.
In 2017, Stan received the Parkland Steward Award from Oakland Public Works, and the Anne Woodell Community Award, Oakland’s highest honor for community service in parks. And in 2018, he was recognized with a San Francisco Bay Area Jefferson Award.
While still overseeing Oakland Trails from afar, Stan is currently living full-time at his home in Tuolumne County and is a full-time student at Columbia College in Sonora studying Forestry and GIS.
Oakland Trails is sponsored by the
Oakland Parks & Recreation Foundation
501c3 Tax ID # 94-2751052