Oakland Trails is sponsored by the
Oakland Parks & Recreation Foundation
501c3 Tax ID # 94-2751052
Leona Heights Park
Information about Old Survivor and future projects in Leona Heights Park:
Located in Oakland’s Leona Heights Park, “Old Survivor” is the only known old growth redwood in the East Bay. While the harvests in the mid 1800’s and early 1900’s wiped out vast old-growth redwood forests in the Oakland hills and beyond, “Old Survivor” was spared due to its location; it sits on a steep, rocky cliff.
Because of the rugged terrain, it also poses a challenge for visitors who’d like to get close to the venerable tree. In collaboration with Oakland Parks & Recreation Foundation, Oakland historian Dennis Evanosky, and Save the Redwoods League, our organization is considering the following projects:
- New trail construction for viewing Old Survivor, and creating a “loop” trail in Leona Heights Park
- An educational panel exhibit explaining natural resources and the history of Oakland’s redwoods
- Enhancements for the York Trail: clearing overgrowth, repairing tread, inspecting/repairing bridges
- Installing new trail markers
- Producing a trail map
- Installing benches at viewing areas
- Enhancing the connection to McCrea Park
Click on the links below to learn more.