Old Survivor Event Sponsorships

We are currently seeking partners to sponsor public and private screenings in theaters and other local venues. Please contact Stan Dodson for more information. Donate

What people are saying about Old Survivor:

“Thank you, Stan, for your gift to Oakland.”
City of Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf

“The Old Survivor film is a terrific story with many heroes, from the nonprofit partners and public agencies that steward our parks to the redwoods themselves.”
Sam Hodder, President & CEO, Save the Redwoods League

“Congratulations on a fantastic premiere and wonderful film. I purchased a thumb drive to send to my grandson in Switzerland. It will remind him of his hikes with me in the redwoods.”
Brian S., Oakland resident

“Thank you for masterminding the formula for success and inviting us all along for the ride…truly a prideful night for Oakland.”
–Patty C., Premiere Event Volunteer

